Church is open every Sunday at 10.30am with communion celebrated on the 1st Sunday of each month.

Women of Worth Bible Study – next meeting Friday 12th July 2024 at 10.30am in the church hall. We will be continuing our bible study looking at ‘Women in the Bible’.

Next Cinema Cafe – next meeting Friday 12th July 2024 at 2pm in the church hall. Join us to watch an all-age film and meet new people over a free tea or coffee and cake. Please be aware that at present there are no childcare facilities.

Our next charity lunch is on the 14th July 2024 with donations being raised for Association for Pastoral Care in Mental Health. All welcome to join us to hear more about this charity over a delicious lunch. A donation for the charity will be taken over lunch.

Our annual coffee morning held in aid of Macmillian will be held on the 28th September 2024 at 10.30am in the church hall.

For further information on any of the above, please use the “Contact Us” page.


At the beginning of the day spend a moment settling down, focussing on God, coming
deliberately into His presence with a thankful heart.
Our prayers are the rhythm which hold us together and gives us a focus.

Peace be in this new day, peace of heart and mind.
Peace with the past, peace with the future.
Lord, today I choose you; to be Yours and known as Yours!
Lord, what shall we do together today? I offer you this day,
King Jesus, with all its opportunities and all its uncertainties.
In my plans, be Sovereign; in my fears, be my Comforter.
In my routine, be my Inspiration; in the uncertainty, be my Guide.
In temptation be close, and in everything be my Peace.
In all that happens, be present.

This week we are praying for –

The General Election on the 4th July 2024.

Identity crisis and scams that affect people’s lives.

Local food banks as they see an increase in demand.

The conflicts in Ukraine, Israel, Gaza and The Middle East.

Those who are unwell, lonely, or experiencing loss and bereavement.

All those making daily decision whether to heat or eat during the current financial uncertainity.

The persecuted church around the world.

God, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

The Prince of Peace be mine this night,
in the Name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.