Sunday Worship
Starts at 10.30. Visitors are very welcome and after the all-age service there is always tea or coffee and the chance to talk informally and meet new friends.

Provides ministries and activities for children 0 to 11 years.

Life Groups
These take place every week in either a members home or the church hall. It is a good, yet relaxed way to meet people, discover the Bible and care for each other through prayer.

Women of Worth 
WOW meets on a regular basis with a variety of events including pamper nights, film evenings and meals out where women can enjoy each other’s company through fun, fellowship and friendship. We also study women of the bible every other Friday and support each other through prayer. Please also see our Events page.

Mandate meets on a regular basis with a variety of events including crazy golf, bowling and meals out where men can enjoy each other’s company through fun, fellowship and friendship.

Cinema Club
Our Cinema Club is a free event that meets every other Friday showing an all age film over tea and coffee. Please also see our Events page.

Prayer and Praise
Meets on the 2nd Tuesday every month at 7.30pm for a time of worship and prayers for Croydon and our community.

For further information on any of the above, please use the “Contact Us” page.